Firebreaks and prevention of fires
Firebreaks can preventively limit the spread of a fire. Maintenance includes the removal of brush and low woody vegetation.

Wild fire & prevention
Year after year, forest fires cause economic and social damage on an unimaginable scale. Native vegetation serves as combustible material, significantly elevating the danger of fires. Mulching preventative fire breaks can limit the spread of fire.
Our cutting-edge equipment has the capability to effectively mulch various forms of vegetation, be it towering trees or undergrowth. This process substantially diminishes the fuel accumulation, offering a viable means to mitigate the impact of forest fires, all while maintaining a low-impact approach that is gentle on the environment.
The operations of fire breaks must often be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Prinoth, with its carriers and mulchers, offers solutions to create and maintain firebreaks safely, both on flat surfaces and on rough terrain and steep slopes.
In the foreground is damage caused by forest fires, in the background a prevention strip.
In the foreground is damage caused by forest fires, in the background a prevention strip.

Bushfire damage
Damage of - already cleared of - forest fires
Printoh Grizzly M700m attached to a tractor travelling through the forest.
Prinoth Raptor 800 working in the forest.